Say What You Think ...

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Easier said than done right ? We’ve all gone through the conflicting emotions of deciding / debating whether to say what we are actually thinking or just say what we think we should say …

Most of the time I tend to say what I’m thinking .. often it has gotten me into trouble and I’ve been told that I should think before I speak .. I suppose that makes sense in certain situations i.e in the work place / with clients / at a press conference …

With friends – I believe that one should be able to say whatever they are thinking – even if at times it may hurt the other person.  A true friend will realize that it’s not meant to be intentional.  I’m very upfront with my friends and don’t beat around the bush.  My friends do the same with me.

When it comes to matters of heart or of the romantic kind or even with someone new in your  life – it gets kind of sticky though doesn’t it ? How do you go about telling someone what you’re thinking without them over-reacting / over analysing what you’ve got to say ?

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in that sort of a situation and recently I have found myself wanting to say out loud what I’m thinking but I’ve been choking up.  I know I will eventually end up just saying what’s on my mind .. I just need to do it sooner than later. 

(What’s quite ironic and a bit funny for me is that in January this year – I wrote about something similar ‘Just Say It’; and I may just end up complicating my life if I don’t follow my own advice)