Blog Challenge Report

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With the Ultimate Blog Challenge coming to an end in the next 24 hours, here’s a quick 3-point summary of my blog challenge experience.

3 Benefits of Participating in the Challenge

  1. I managed to generate daily content (even if it some of it was scheduled posts) and let my report_card2creativity flow; and it got me into the habit of writing daily (which is something I’ve never really done on my blog)
  2. Group motivation ! Since so many people were participating in the challenge, there was loads of encouragement from others to keep posting and thus ensured that I stayed on scheduled. Being a part of a community.
  3. Increase in Blog Traffic along with Comments ! I found that I had comments & Retweets from other participants in the challenge which made me go do the same for them.

3 Things To Remember for Future Challenges

  1. Create a rough draft / titles of potential topics you want to blog about and expand on it
  2. Follow the rules of the challenge and pimp your blog by way of all the social media tools available to you. 
  3. Take a break for a day or two if you aren’t used to writing daily content.  Use that time to look over other blogs and inspiration will hit you when you least expect it.

3 New Tweeps To Follow

  1. MichelleShaeffrone of the founders of the UBC who provides a wealth of information via her tweets and her various blogs
  2. Cateyesmdsuper friendly and one of the first commenters on my UBC posts
  3. SocialBiznizdoesn’t matter if you are a social media buff or a newbie, this is one person you want to follow to get your dose of social media updates

3 New Blogs I Discovered & Enjoyed

  1. Everything Stress Blog  by Charlie Damonsing
  2. Day In The Life of A Busy Gal by Sharon Howard
  3. Pink Diary by Jenn

I’ve really enjoyed participating in the Blog Challenge and pretty chuffed that I discovered it; initially I wasn’t sure if I could put together all 31 posts but looks like I’m almost there !!

If you have participated in the UBC 2012 or in any other blog challenge; do share your thoughts and experiences with me in the comments.  I’d love to read up on your posts.  If you’ve never been a part of a challenge – do you think you might try one this year ?