10 Day YOU Challenge. 3 Films

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fave movieMy heart sank a little when I saw what todays’ challenge was.  3 Films.  Is that 3 films I’ve really liked, or that have inspired me or that I’d never watch again ?

I’ve come to conclude that I’m really crap at names of songs, books and movies ! But for the sake of this challenge – let’s get this list going ..

Films that were a total waste of my time

  1. Black Swan.  WTF ! I wanted to smack the woman ! I don’t know why but I just did not like this movie at all.  It made me want to leave the cinema !
  2. From Paris With Love.  Avoid.  Poor story line and some scenes made me wonder what the director & producer were thinking when they shot the scene !
  3. Inglorious Bastards.  Long, drawn out, and sketchy / weird ending.  I think I even fell asleep for 20 mins during the movie.  Definitely something dodgy about this film.

Films that I can watch over & over again

  1. Ice Age.  Diego is my favourite character !
  2. Pulp Fiction.  Tarantino at his best !
  3. Face Off.  John Travolta and Nicolas Cage – need I say more ?

The first thing that came to mind were movies that I did not like – hence the top list; then I just jotted down what I did like to balance it out. 

What are your favourite movies ? Which movie could you watch over and over again ? Have you seen any of the movies on my list – thoughts about them ?

Don’t forget to share your 3 films in the comments below (think of it as doing me a favour and allowing me to expand my horizons when its comes to movies).  If you are taking part in the challenge, make sure you share your link below !